In memory of Howard Strickler
Quoted from "Tops" of April, 1942
It is hardly necessary to formally introduce the subject of this month's cover,
for Howard Strickler is pretty well known to Magicians up and down the country
and his effervescent good humor and tireless energy in promoting good fellowship
are always the high spot on any affair where Magicians get together.
Those who have attended Magic conventions always know him to be in the forefront
of any activity that will add to the life of the party full of fun,
pep and ginger. At our own Get-Together, it would not be complete without
Howard Strickler and his gags and stunts.
As to Magic, Howard has been a Magician for more years than we can remember,
and in performing his tricks, he gets the most out of their Magic and amplifies
the Magic with his own unique brand of comedy. One has only to visit the basement
theatre at his home in Toledo to realize his interest in Magic over a grand
period of years and the number of important people in the realm of Magic who
have been glad to call him a friend.
Magic is a hobby with him, but he devotes as much time as possible to it and
the cultivation of friends in" Magic as his regular job will allow. For
be it said, he is a "busy little guy" as an executive of the Auto
Lite Co. in Toledo, for which company he has turned out a number of inventions
for devices they manufacture. For many years, Howard has arranged all the
shows for the annual conventions of this company, and significant of his interest
in devoted interest and intense good-fellowship. Magic is the fact that every
year one or more Magicians appear on these shows.
And speaking of Howard without Mrs. Strickler Teddy to most of you
and you is like speaking of Hart without Shaffner and Marx -
for she too has an avid interest in Magic and personalities in Magic, and
while not performing magical tricks, does a few specialties that always rate
and receive big hands. Together, Howard and Teddy are a grand team.
Magic would be a whole lot better if there were mere men in it like Howard
Strickler, who has no axe to grind, no politics to play; who brings to Magic
a devoted interest and intense good-fellowship.